Browsing: United Nations Population Division

Flooding in Nairobi city. African cities are buckling under the weight of poor sanitation infrastructure.

As the economies deteriorate continent-wide, the mass movement of people means that the capacity of urban towns to cater for the increasing demands by migrants is stretched beyond the original plans.

This means that providing employment and access to basic amenities are limited which leads to breakdowns in service provision and delivery.

Kenya, for instance, did not achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for increasing access to water and sanitation.

As one of the countries that failed to hit this key milestone, a meagre 30 per cent of Kenyans have access to improved sanitation. This percentage means that more than 30 million Kenyans are still using basic types of latrines while almost six million defecate in the open. This number could go higher if numbers of shared facilities are included in the data provided by the World Bank.…