The food we eat is responsible for one-third of human-made greenhouse gas emissions, with beef and dairy consumption being major contributors.

As global food demand increases, continuing with current diets will worsen climate change.

The top emitting countries are China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and the US. Grains, oil crops, and palm oil also play significant roles in food-related emissions.

Shifting to more plant-based diets is essential to combat climate change and improve health.

Food choices contribute to 1/3 of human-made emissions Beef and dairy consumption, especially in China and India, are top contributors

Growing global food demand exacerbates climate change Top emitting countries: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and the US

Grains, oil crops, and palm oil also impact food-related emissions Shifting to plant-based diets is crucial for combating climate change

The good news is that small changes in individual diets, when adopted collectively, can make a significant difference in our battle against climate change.

Opting for more plant-based meals, reducing red meat consumption, and choosing foods with lower environmental footprints are steps in the right direction.

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