The massive destruction following massive earthquakes is not hidden to anyone. The world witnessed major monuments turning into rubble in Turkey after a mega-earthquake struck the nation.

However, use of artificial intelligence can make difference in predicting earthquakes before hand, suggest scientists.

Recently, an AI-driven tool was 70 per cent accurate in predicting earthquakes a week before they occurred during a seven-month trial in China, scientists report.

The outcome of the AI experiment in earthquake prediction was a weekly forecast in which the AI successfully predicted 14 earthquakes within about 200 miles, or 320 kilometres, 

of where it estimated they would happen and at almost exactly the calculated strength, the researchers at The University of Texas (UT) at Austin, US, said.

However, AI-tool missed one earthquake and gave eight false warnings. The AI was trained to detect statistical bumps in real-time seismic data that researchers had paired with previous earthquakes, 

They said, adding that the method follows a relatively simple machine learning approach. Their study is published in the journal Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

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