
  • The market for sustainable cooling systems in developing economies is set to hit $600 billion by 2050. Research shows that sustainable cooling systems can cut cooling-related emissions by almost 50%.
  • They can also help lower electricity bills, reduce equipment costs, and power sector investments by $8 trillion by 2050.
  • Unlocking finance, in particular private finance, is essential to support the transition to sustainable cooling across developing economies.

Economies in Africa are projected to experience the fastest growth in cooling systems, a new survey by the International Finance Corporation and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)-led Cool Coalition shows.

Globally, Africa is poised to see her cooling systems industry expand by a factor of seven closely followed by countries in South Asia which will see this market segment quadruple.

“The sustainable cooling market represents at least a 600-billion-dollar opportunity for the private sector, …

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  • Guinea has announced a single-use plastic ban, signalling the growing momentum of the African plastic ban movement.
  • Guinea prohibits the production, import, sale, and use of single-use plastics, including plastic bags and oxo-degradable plastics.
  • The country now joins trailblazers Rwanda, Kenya and Somalia, who banned single-use plastics in their jurisdictions.

Africa is experiencing a vital environmental wave with the increasing rollout of tough measures on single-use plastics. With trailblazers Rwanda and Kenya having banned single-use plastics, Guinea has joined the elite club, announcing a sweeping ban on single-use plastic products and packaging.

Early this year, Somalia joined this movement, banning the use of single-use plastics beyond June 30, 2024. Authorities in the Horn of Africa country urged individuals and businesses to explore using environmentally friendly alternatives to meet their packaging needs.

This move by the West African country signals a historic moment for the continent's push to counter the…

  • Innovation is the route to business, company, industry and national success story.
  • To realize this success, however, governments must create policies that encourage and support innovation at scale.
  • For Africa, the jury is still out on the role of governments in driving innovation.

From the developed to emerging to the underdeveloped economies, one thing that policymakers agree is that innovation drives industrial and therefore national progress. It creates opportunity for individuals and investors, grows businesses, and powers a nation’s development agenda. For these reasons, policymakers are advised to place emphasis on innovation.

Matt Banholzer, an economics researcher and author of How innovation can accelerate industry momentum report explains that while macroeconomics concept of development correctly looks at the economy as a whole, policymakers must not be naïve to think policies of the ‘whole’ will foster development of the individual and vice vasa.

The researcher is of the view that policymakers, …

The rhino horn has become “gold” as it is rumoured to have medicinal properties. The horn is also used as a status symbol to show success and wealth in some African and Asian countries.

Rhino horns are used to reduce hangovers and high fever, detoxify the body, and as a form of beauty through jewellery making.

In 2020, the northern white rhino went extinct as the last remaining male died in Sudan and the two remaining females were too old to reproduce.…

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey appointed four Africans to sit on Btrust (Bitcoin Trust) board on December 15, 2021.

Btrust is an initiative co-founded by Jack and the United States singer, Jay-Z, to deploy 500 bitcoin to develop and foster the currency in Africa and India.

Ojoma Ochai, Obi Nwosu, Abubakar Nur Khalil and South African Carla Kirk- Cohen. There were 7,000 applications interested in the same positions. The application form for board members established a mission to “make bitcoin the internet’s currency.”…

The Aga Khan Hospital Dar es Salaam (AKH,D) performed its first Cochlear Implant Surgery on 24th January 2022. Young Danial, a 3-year-old boy has not heard sound all of his life. This procedure is a life-changing opportunity for the young boy and his parents.

A cochlear implant is an electronic device that enables individuals with profound hearing loss to hear through direct stimulation of the hearing nerve. As of now, hearing is the only sense that can be ‘restored’ in this way. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 430 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, a number that is predicted to grow exponentially over time.

CochlearImplant 01

Hearing loss has a variety of causes, some can be prevented, and others can be treated. The severity of hearing loss also differs from one person to another.

Hearing loss in children results in delayed development of speech and language. …

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are the new opportunity for anyone with anything they can monetise and an access to the internet to reap the benefits of minting money on the World Wide Web.

NFTs are “One of a kind” digital assets that can be traded like any other piece of property, but NFTs do not exist in any tangible form. It is possible to think of virtual or real assets as tokens that may be exchanged for tokens.

Therefore, an NFT is a digital title for a piece of content that may be sold on auction sites but is non-returnable because it is unique and irreplaceable. Because of this, its value fluctuates and it is useless as a means of exchange. Cryptocurrency and blockchain are the foundations of NFTs.…

The number of gamers in the continent has more than doubled in the last five years. The Sub-Saharan region is the fastest growing globally for both mobile gamers and people who pay for games.

The gaming industry has seen funding on the rise in the whole of 2021. Public and private funding options have been created such as the African Game Developer Prototype Fund, Diverse Game Developer Fund and the Black Game Developer Fund.

The Diverse Game Developer Fund in the beginning of 2021 offered to grant US$300,000 to marginalized developers.…

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The Spain energy crisis comes after Algeria cut off natural gas supply through the Gaz-Maghreb-Europe (GME) pipeline.

Algeria President Abdelmadjid Tebboune authorized Sonatrach (state energy firm) to stop gas exports to Spain through the pipeline that transverses through Morocco to Spain, due to tensions with Rabat, accusations that Morocco denied.

The 1400 km GME pipeline has been in operation for over 55 years, delivering billion cubic metres per year to Portugal and Spain.…

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