Browsing: Africa-EU summit

Through the Global Gateway strategy, the European Union has announced a second package of EUR 166 Million to support Tanzania’s Blue Economy initiative, digital transition and green revolution. Photo/Panafricavisions

While the government of Tanzania has not listed specific projects that the Global Gateway grant will finance, the country already has several green initiatives underway and is leading the region in digital transformation.

The EU envisions that through the grant funding various solutions will be realized under five main banners; green transition, digital transition, accelerating sustainable growth and decent job creation, strengthening health systems and improving education and training

In this regard, the EU is of the view that tackling the global challenge of climate change, it must work with Africa to maximise the benefits of the green transition and minimise threats to the environment in full compliance with the Paris Agreement, as stated in the official EU statement.…

Pundits advise that the US is better off supporting the African Union’s Agenda 2063 even though the US strategy is exclusive for Sub-Saharan Africa. However, that part of Africa is still accounted for in the continent-wide Agenda 2063. It would bode well for all parties concerned if US support to Sub Sahara Africa served to help the region better place itself in the overall African vision.

There is the matter of friend-shoring as well, Africa feels the US gave Asia a much better deal, more explicit, more concrete, specific and committed than it ever did with the motherland. How will it play out? Will the US-China trade war help Africa secure a better deal from China than the US?

Even though the strategy does mention a willingness to facilitate ‘new geographic groupings’, it is not specific as to what these new alliances are and what they will mean in terms …

In practical reality, it aims at creating a continental market for goods and services, with free movement of businesspeople and investments in Africa.

Several reports indicate that the summit strives to bring Africa and Europe closer together through strengthening economic cooperation and promoting sustainable development, with both continents co-existing in peace, security, democracy, prosperity, solidarity and human dignity.

It is against this backdrop that the two partners are determined to work together on a strategic, long-term footing to develop a shared vision for EU-Africa relations in a globalized world.…