Browsing: African Economic Conference 2023

macroeconomic modeling
  • African countries continue to grapple with substantial capacity gaps in macroeconomic modeling, a new report by AfDB shows.
  • The findings underscore the need for further enhancement in macroeconomic modeling capabilities across African economies.
  • The report offers insights into the models and modeling capacities present in roughly 31 out of 54 African states.

Despite notable progress in forecasting, analysis, and effective policy management, a recent study by the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group reveals that African countries continue to grapple with substantial capacity gaps in macroeconomic modeling.

Titled “Benchmark Macroeconomic Models for Effective Policy Management in Africa,” the report was unveiled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian, on 18 November. The launch took place alongside the African Economic Conference 2023 and was conducted by the AfDB Group. The findings underscore the need for further enhancement in macroeconomic modeling capabilities across African nations to bolster their ability to formulate and execute effective policies.


  • Across Africa, Public-private partnerships (PPP) experience varies across countries due to GDP differences, capital market size and depth.
  • The UN Economic Commission for Africa ECA has been working with African countries to enhance their PPPs for infrastructure development.
  • ECA has been undertaking capacity building and helping economies in Africa to mobilize resources for infrastructure development.

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are crucial to closing the financing gap for infrastructure development in Africa, and governments and the private sector should work together to create effective PPPs, said Dr Robert Lisinge, Acting Director of the Private Sector Development and Finance Division at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).

He was speaking last week at a plenary session of the African Economic Conference 2023 on Public-Private Partnerships to catalyse infrastructure development and innovative financing for industrialization in Africa.

“Financing Africa’s infrastructure is still a big challenge faced by many countries on the continent. To …