Browsing: Climate finance opportunities in Africa Zeroe

Zeroe Climate Finance
  • Zeroe, a carbon management startup based in Dubai, offers a platform that helps streamline the flow of finance from the global North to the global South.
  • The firm’s innovative solution provides comprehensive carbon accounting, and an AI-enabled decarbonization planner, making it easy and affordable for companies to measure and reduce their emissions.
  • Zeroe is already working with businesses in the UAE and Indonesia and sees significant climate financing opportunities for growth in Africa, especially North West, North East, and Southern Africa.

Climate finance: “There is enough money; we just need to make it flow.” This statement by Lauren Haworth, Head of Marketing and Partnerships at Zeroe, succinctly captures the current state of climate finance. During an interview at the AIM Congress 2024, held in Abu Dhabi, she shared insights on the steady but insufficient growth in climate finance deployment, which reached over $1.2 trillion in 2022.

However, the challenge …