Browsing: currency depreciation

Currency depreciation in Africa

The Kwacha is the official currency of Zambia. The country's foreign exchange rate remained unsettled for a very long time. However, Zambia has made substantial steps in recent years to strengthen its currency through economic measures and foreign support.

Zambia has set an example for other African nations by efficiently controlling its currency. While facing numerous economic issues, such as a drop in copper prices and a large debt, the Kwacha exchange rate has remained reasonably constant.…

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Ghana finds itself in the classic emerging market trap. This comes from owing too much in someone else’s currency when the global economic tide turns. One ought not to read too much into an emerging economy getting creative with money or to confuse the confiscation of private assets with a more conventional process of fiscal retrenchment that would gain IMF approval. If the plan succeeds, Ghana may have saved itself from an economic meltdown, especially in a period widely considered as economic turmoil, per the World Bank’s analysis of the 2023 economy.…

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Over the past decade, African countries have accumulated external debt at a faster pace. The countries have capitalized on abundant, low-cost international credit for fiscal and balance-of-payments funding to help drive development plans.

Africa’s total external debt, accrued by both the private and public sectors, owed to foreign lenders, has surpassed $1 trillion. The related annual debt servicing costs broke through the $100 billion threshold for the first time in 2021.…

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