Browsing: Economic justice for women in Africa

Women in Africa
  • Only about 50% of women in Kenya and 52% in Uganda feel that they are treated with respect and dignity.
  • In Zimbabwe, 60% of women feel that they are treated with respect and dignity. This is a sharp drop from an estimated 71% of women who reported being treated with respect in 2013.
  • The percentage of people in South Africa who feel this way was even worse at 27% among men and 28% among women.

In Africa’s most advanced economy South Africa, the percentage of people in South Africa who felt this way was even worse at 27 percent among men and 28 percent among women.

The push for equality across Africa appears far from yielding good results with a new report showing that the perceptions that women are treated with respect and dignity have dropped sharply in recent years in Kenya, Uganda South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

According to Gallup