Browsing: flower industry

The grasp of the Coronavirus has been unrelenting; like the grim reaper, it continues its deadly march around the economies of the world, sucking the soul of one sector after another, leaving a trail of death and destruction.  

The flower industry has not been left unscathed, being one of the hardest hit sectors. Plummeting revenues have been the plight of flower farmers, who have been disposing of blooms meant for export that have been wilting by the day. Covid-19 has upended the flower industry and crushed consumer demand in the international market, incurring a net-loss of well over Ksh.8 billion (US$74.7 million) in just a month, with daily losses reported to be amounting to Ksh.20 million (US$187.0 thousand). Direct sale orders have plunged to below 35%, placing the livelihoods of both the 150,000 direct dependents and across the value chain, to the over four million, who indirectly