Browsing: Gallup employees survey

kenyan workers
  • A majority of Kenyan workers are disengaged according to the 2024 edition of Gallup employees survey.
  • The survey further shows that men are slightly more engaged than their female counterparts.
  • More women (50 per cent) were stressed than men (47 per cent). The junior employees recorded higher stress levels than managers.

A new study shows that for every five employed Kenyans, four lack the drive to go above and beyond in their roles at work.

A recent global survey by Gallup says 80 per cent of Kenyan workers are “disengaged” meaning they only do the bare minimum and are only in their current job because they haven’t found a job opening elsewhere.

‘Disengaged from work’ refers to a lack of emotional or psychological connection to one’s job or workplace.

Disengaged employees typically show low levels of motivation, commitment, and enthusiasm for their work.

At 80 percent, the rate of disengagement …