Browsing: Germany and Tanzania

Germany scouts for investments in Tanzania
  • In his business tour, President Steinmeier is leading government officials and investors from over 12 German companies.
  • Tanzania expects to see an increase in trade relations with Germany, which has remains in favour of the European country. 
  • To further cement bilateral ties, German has agreed to return the remains of Tanzanian freedom fighters held in museums in Germany.

Germany’s President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is on a three-day state visit to Tanzania. With the high-profile visit, Tanzania expects to see an increase in trade ties with Germany, a relationship that has for decades remained in favour of the European economic giant.

President Steinmeier is leading government officials and investors from over 12 German companies. Tanzania hopes that his visit will serve to strengthen diplomatic, development and bilateral trade relations. Germany and Tanzania have shared a long history given that the later was a colony of the former until 1919.

President Steinmeier pledges

  • France is leading Europe in accepting colonial mistakes and returning human remains taken from Africa.
  • Should restitution of African artifacts also include economic compensation?
  • Germany is also agreeing to respond to restitution requests by African countries.

France has once again taken steps to reconcile its patchy colonial ties with Africa, this time championing human remains restitution by returning artifacts, human skulls, bones, and other items of historical value.

These human remains are mostly of great African heroes, who opposed colonial rule in the 17th and 18th centuries. The return of the human remains has been effected by France’s University of Strasbourg. And it is part of an ongoing human remains restitution demanded by several African countries. Most of the latest demands are from Namibia and Tanzania where historic human remains are coming home.

Germany on human remains restitution

In the same vein, Germany is under criticism for failing to …