Browsing: how to grow your career in the workplace

work habits that grow careers
  • As workplace environments and changing attitudes evolve, certain habits that may seem harmless could be hindering career advancement.
  • Beyond common productivity killers, subtle habits such as chronic procrastination, resisting change, and avoiding difficult conversations can also derail careers.
  • Fast-tracking a career could be as easy as monitoring these habits when others fail to.

The old phrase “work smarter, not harder” has never been more relevant than it is today as different industries demand certain work habits to register growth. But as workplace environments and changing attitudes evolve, certain habits that may seem harmless could actually be hindering career advancement, leading to a host of other issues, including workplace depression, poor productivity, and stagnant salaries.

According to one expert, it’s imperative that we recognize and address these bad habits to ensure professional growth.

“The more we accept a workplace that cultivates these habits, the better chance we have of creating higher …