Browsing: Human capital Africa

poverty in Africa
  • Tackling poverty in Africa remains one of the primary goals of policymakers and institutions globally, including the World Bank.
  • As the world’s economic powers focus on Africa for a share of its vast resources, the stars could be aligning for Africa to deal a body blow to the ghosts of poverty.
  • One of the key cogs of this endeavor, however, is tapping on human capital and technology to drive change at scale, as advised by the UN.

One of the most vexing questions for policymakers internationally is how to make sustainable progress in tackling poverty in Africa. In this endeavor, which often draws in actors from across the globe, one thing remains clear: combating poverty in Africa requires empowering the continent and its people to make the most of its abundant resources.

With vast mineral resources and an increasingly educated and informed leadership and workforce, one wonders: Why is Africa

  • The central role of human capital in development is fast catching up with the developing world.
  • Tanzania President Suluhu Hassan says there is no right time to deliberate on the human capital issue than now.
  • President Ruto of Kenya says Africa must deliberately to make it possible for the youth to access job opportunities.

The vital role of Africa’s human capital is indispensable. It is a powerful tool in driving the growth of economic investments in the continent of 1.3 billion people. Africa has a combined GDP of nearly $3.1 trillion and over 40 percent of the population is under the age of 15 years and younger. It is therefore important that Africa’s human capital is aligned optimally to foster growth.

The central role of human capital in development is fast catching up with the developing world. It is in light of this that the just ended Africa Human Capital …