Browsing: Invest in Tanzania

Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu Hassan with United States Vice President Kamala Harris. Americans investing in Tanzania stand to gain from a US$1 billion investment opportunity in Tanzania.

President Suluhu Hassan has welcomed American investors in her bid to “set the tone for creating the safe lending for investors”.

By 2021, Tanzania led in East Africa in the number of FDI attracted from the US to Tanzania, followed by Kenya and Uganda.

Over the past years, there was deterioration in Tanzania’s business and investment sector that marred the nation’s attractiveness.

The latter brought Tanzania to rank 141 out of 190 countries on the 2020 World Bank Ease of Doing Business Report, which the International Trade Administration argued to be the lowest among the nation’s peers.

Hence, President Suluhu Hassan’s administration is addressing the latter. Her government has now substantially improved cross border trading with its neighbouring nations, dealing with unrealistic taxes, unnecessary bureaucracy, delayed refunds and unfriendly administration of taxes.…

East Africa (Tanzania and Uganda in this case) is endowed with plenty of natural resources that mark it as a potential region for investment and economical prosperity. The East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is another milestone that will levitate Tanzania to a good position economically.

The crude oil project which was stalled since 2019, has taken a new leap that sounds promising to the two countries which are eyeing maximizing the potential of $15 billion in investment (The East African 2021).

Earlier this week, the project was signed off by Uganda President Yoweri Museveni in the nation’s capital, Kampala and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu. The process was postponed from the original date of March 22 after the sudden death of President John Magufuli.

The EACOP project landscape

This historic project plans to transfer crude oil via a 1,445 long pipeline extending from western Uganda to the Indian ocean in …