Browsing: List of coups in Africa

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
  • European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says chaos in Africa’s Sahel leaves the area vulnerable to terrorism.
  • Von der Leyen says the situation in the Sahel directly impacts Europe’s security and prosperity.
  • The Sahel region has experienced eight coups across six nations, from Guinea to Sudan, in the last three years.

The European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has pointed an accusing finger at Russia for orchestrating the roiling chaos gripping Africa’s Sahel region.

In her annual speech to the European Parliament in Brussels today, she noted that military coups currently plaguing Africa’s Sahel region have been a destabilizing factor, increasing the zone’s vulnerability to terrorism.

Von der Leyen made it clear that the European Union must significantly enhance its engagement with African countries, as the situation in the Sahel directly impacts Europe’s security and prosperity.

“We need to show the same unity of purpose towards Africa …