Browsing: Nairobi National Park

Kenya has reaffirmed its continued push for the closure of all ivory trade markets across the world. First Lady Margaret Kenyatta says the country will continue with its campaign against the reopening of markets for animal trophies especially ivory. The campaign is being supported by 31 other African states grouped under the African Elephant Coalition (AEC).The First Lady spoke at an ivory burning site inside the Nairobi National Park where she presided over the official launch of the CITES CoP18 Awareness Campaign. The CITES CoP18 global conference is scheduled for this month in Geneva, Switzerland.

Kenya has reaffirmed its continued push for the closure of all ivory trade markets across the world.

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta says the country will continue with its campaign against the reopening of markets for animal trophies especially ivory.

The campaign is being supported by 31 other African states grouped under the African Elephant Coalition (AEC).

The First Lady spoke at an ivory burning site inside the Nairobi National Park where she presided over the official launch of the CITES CoP18 Awareness Campaign.

READ ALSO:How eBay and IFAW ban on African Ivory stood for a decade

CITES stands for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora while CoP18 is the acronym for the Conference of Parties to the CITES.

The CITES CoP18 global conference is scheduled for this month in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Today we are lobbying and petitioning for the closure of all …