Browsing: Nile Conflict

River Nile
  • Under a 1929 agreement, Egypt refused to acknowledge the rights of the other River Nile riparian countries.
  • Almost a century later, Ethiopia is setting up the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, an initiative that is considered a security threat by Egypt.
  • Currently, Ethiopia is undertaking the scheduled filling of the dam from the Nile waters.

River Nile, the longest river in the world continues to be at the center of a long and winding conflict looping together eleven countries that bank on its waters to sustain their economies.

For nearly a century, the Nile waters have remained at the heart of a resource dispute, pitting the countries at the rivers source against those further downstream on its journey to the shores of Egypt. In the latest development, Ethiopian authorities, have announced that the fifth filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is on track for successful completion by December 2024.…

Ethiopia plans to go ahead with it scheduled second filling of its embattled Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). When complete, the GERD will be the largest in Africa and have the capacity to produce in excess of 6,000 MW per day.

As expected, Egypt, the historic colonial-era custodian, will not have it and along with Sudan, has called for intervention by the African Union (AU) as well as international bodies and the UN Security Council citing security reasons.

Egypt and Sudan want the UN Security Council to intervene in the GERD owing to what the Sudanese government describes as ‘its impact on the safety and security of millions of people.’

They are of the view that Ethiopia is acting of its own accord and in total disregard of the danger, its actions pose to regional stability.  As such, Sudan wrote to the UN Security Council and Egypt has joined the …