Browsing: RBZ

Zimbabwean banks sitting on billions in hard currency but they are wary of lending it.[Photo/Newealth]

The banks themselves have little confidence in each other which is demonstrated by the absence of a real interbank lending market.

Perhaps most striking is the high degree of regulatory risk. Regulatory risk is one where a change in laws and regulations will materially impact a security, business, sector, or market. A change in laws or regulations made by the government or a regulatory body can increase the costs of operating a business, reduce the attractiveness of an investment, or change the competitive landscape in each business sector. In extreme cases, such changes can destroy a company’s business model.…

Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector,

In the 6th State Of The Mining Industry Prospects For 2021 Report, Zimbabwe’s mining sector representatives projected an optimistic outlook for 2021, citing an improvement in COVID-19 control, rising commodity prices, and an improved fiscal environment.

The mining sector faced a difficult year on the back of falling commodity prices. The situation was exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which ravaged the entire globe.

The findings of the report indicate that the mining sector business confidence index is expected to improve to +3.1 in 2021 from 2.2 in 2020. The mining sector business confidence index is a measure of optimism (or lack of it) among mining executives.

Of the respondent interviewed, 90% of the miners in the country said they are looking forward to expanding their businesses in the coming year. This is in contrast with the 10% that don’t foresee any change in