Browsing: TEC

Industries in Africa Industrialisation in Africa
  • High protection and heavy import dependency have left industries in Africa poorly prepared for international competition.
  • The tendency of many African governments to assign a leading role to the state in creating and operating manufacturing firms makes industries in Africa hard to thrive.
  • For decades, investments by African governments are often made with little regard to efficiency and the managerial capacity in target industries.

Africa Industrialization Day on November 20 is here, yet the region’s skies remain smokeless. While the region is endowed with $82 trillion worth of discovered natural resources, with the potential to contribute $30 billion a year in government revenue over the next 20 years, this potential remains untapped.

Africa’s failed industrialization

Sadly, Africa’s industrialization has been failing if not stagnating as many nations continue turning into customers of established manufacturing zones in China, Europe and India. For instance, Africa exports around 69 per cent of the …

  • Tanzania has signed an energy deal to export natural gas
  • Tanzania’s 4th energy summit to open new investment options
  • Tanzania allays environmental concerns over offshore energy works

Following the success of the previous Tanzania Energy Congress (TEC), the organisers will now host the 4th TEC edition in Dar Es Salaam from 3 – 4 August 2022.

The two-day summit comes against the backdrop of the just signed liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal between the Tanzanian government and several international energy companies.

This June, Tanzania signed an agreement with Norway’s Equinor and Britain’s Shell to start construction of a $30bn project to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the East African economic giant.

In the wake of the signing, stakeholders are looking to discuss the opportunities that will arise from the deal. No other get-together will bring more stakeholders to one venue to discuss the pros and cons of this …

  • Tanzania’s Government is scheduled to open the 2022 Tanzania Energy Congress (TEC) this August in the country’s commercial port city of Dar es Salaam
  • TEC will highlight the plans and priorities of the Ministry of Energy with regard to the next strategic steps in both the energy and hydrocarbons sectors in Tanzania
  • This annual event premiered four years ago under the steward strategic partnership of Ocean Business Partners Tanzania

Tanzania’s Government is scheduled to open the 2022 Tanzania Energy Congress (TEC) this August in the country’s commercial port city of Dar es Salaam.

Hosted under the flagship of the Energy Ministry, under the patronage of His Excellency January Makamba, Minister for Energy, TEC will highlight the plans and priorities of the Ministry of Energy with regard to the next strategic steps in both the energy and hydrocarbons sectors in Tanzania.

The two-day conference (3 – 4 August 2022) will feature …