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Ashden Awards
  • Ashden says these trailblasers, armed with groundbreaking technologies and innovative solutions, stand at the forefront of the battle against global warming.
  • Climate charity Ashden has called for financiers, investors, and policymakers worldwide to step up support for proven climate solutions that hold the keys to our sustainable future.
  • The Ashden Awards recognise inclusive solutions that deliver a wide range of benefits, from new jobs to community resilience and lowering emissions.

In an era marked by increasing environmental crises and the relentless march of climate change, the call for innovation has never been more urgent. Climate charity Ashden has called for financiers, investors, and policymakers around the world to step up support for proven climate solutions that hold the keys to our sustainable future.

These trailblasers, armed with groundbreaking technologies and innovative solutions, stand at the forefront of the battle against global warming.

Speaking at the 2024 Ashden Awards ceremony, Ashden …