Browsing: TPA

CAG Report, PCCB
  • More than $33 million was poorly spent by various Tanzania government institutions including through inappropriate allowances to staff, audit shows.
  • Lugalo Hospital, an institution belonging to Tanzania’s military, paid over $14,000 to a supplier for consultation and design without charging withholding tax.
  • Corrupt officials in Tanzania’s Ministry of Health paid over $8 million to Toyota Tanzania and UNICEF for the purchase of motor vehicles that were never delivered.

Tanzania could be hurtling towards a fiscal risk as an increasing number of loss-making state-owned enterprises turn into avenues for plunder and embezzlement of public funds by corrupt public servants.

The latest audit report by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) and Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) shows hundreds of state-owned enterprises in Tanzania are in the soup for sanctioning graft-ridden transactions leading to the loss of millions of public money.

The rot starts from the top. Take for instance, …

The RoRo, along with the ramp and terminal were completed as of March 2021 after three years of dedicated construction works. With its completion, vehicles can now be driven, not carried, off the ship.

With this development, large vessels that took up to four days to offload and turn around now take only 17 hours to offload, that is say, an average of three vehicles per minute offloaded per minute.

The terminal is also a major game-changer because instead of driving two km in search of parking, vehicles can now be parked in the spacious berth with a handling capacity of 3,000 vehicles at a time.…

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Tanzania—East Africa’s host of the most strategic port (Dar es Salaam Port), anticipates garnering more cargo in the next four years, as the Tanzanian Port Authority (TPA) projects the volume of cargo to rise by almost 43 per cent, according to information from The Citizen.

The Dar es Salaam port handles about 95 per cent of the country international trade, serving other landlocked countries, Malawi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, according to information from the TPA website.

In the maritime sector, Tanzania has a rather wider potential for expanding its reach in this pool. Tanzania’s coastline stretches of approximately 1425 km across East Africa portrays how the country could transform its economy and vitalize movement of good over the East African region.

The government of Tanzania has been on a mission to transform the sector physically and financially. For instance, in July 2017 President John Magufuli …

Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture has begun cementing its foothold on horticulture activities across Tanzania.

The ministry has just concluded a meeting with horticultural farmers and products exporters, to address taxing and policy drawbacks related to the sub-sector.

The meeting catapulted rather vital issues for the development of the sector, particularly converging Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) and Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) players, but also, gave a path to the possibility of ushering a three-year plan that will be associated with a special managing body.

According to the ministry, the meeting attracted vital players from crucial ministries, including—finance and planning, industry and trade, ports authority and farmers.

Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Ministry of Agriculture, Hussein Bashe, stressed that the meeting root agenda was to highlight various challenges affecting the sub-sector and respective measures to address them.

Per Tanzania’s National Bureau of Statistics, second-quarter report—the agricultural sector growth rate stood at …

Tanzania is one of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member states with strategic port spheres, that stand to prove billions, under strategic import and export situations.

Bank of Tanzania (BoT), indicates East Africa’s growing economy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stands at 6.6 per cent, while construction, transport activities and agriculture (raw material producer) account for 65.1 per cent of the output growth.

An array of materials gets shipped off Tanzania which include minerals—gold and agricultural products such as cashew nuts, coconut, sisal, coffee, and raw cotton.

On the same note, BoT September economic review, paints a rather promising perspective commenting that: exports of goods and services amounted to $921.8 million in August 2019 compared with $ 714.8 million in the preceding month, of which export of goods increased to $ 635.1 million from USD 408.9 million.

Additionally, traditional goods exports (unprocessed minerals and agriculture-products) stood at $44.4 million compared with …