Browsing: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Green energy
    • Energy industry experts and policymakers are meeting in Nairobi for the International Energy Agency 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency, the first time the conference is being hosted in Africa.
    • European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary of Energy and Petroleum Davis Chirchir launched the Green Resilient Electricity System Program for Kenya.
    • The Green Resilient Electricity System Program will support Kenya’s goal of a complete transition to 100per cent clean power generation by 2030 and it will boost Kenya’s sustainable energy future.

    The green energy economy strategy seeks to build on the country’s current economic strengths to secure a more sustainable future. Kenya’s ambitious plan to fully transition to 100 per cent clean power generation by 2030 has received a major boost, with the European Union backing the initiative.

    This comes as leaders, energy industry experts, and policymakers meet in Nairobi for the International Energy Agency’s