Browsing: US federal reserve

fastest-growing economies in 2024 | The Exchange

Africa will be the second fastest-growing regional economy in 2024. Over 10 African countries will experience substantial GDP growth. In October 2024, the International Monetary Fund emphasized Africa’s pivotal role in global economic development and resilience.

Africa could face economic headwinds this year. However, some of the continent’s brightest spots are lighting up the economic prospects. According to the International Monetary Fund, six of the top 10 performing nations globally are projected to come from Africa in 2024.…

  • Economic experts have a bearish forecast on the US dollar, citing that it is  likely to “consistently weaken” throughout 2024 as the US Federal Reserve winds up its aggressive stance.  
  • The prediction comes despite the ongoing big dollar sell off where asset managers are selling the currency at the fastest pace in a year. 
  • This is positive news for emerging and frontier markets, as they can start to see global funds and investors redirect capital back to these markets which have been starved of inflows for months. 

Economic experts are making a bearish forecast against the US dollar, predicting that it is likely to “consistently weaken” throughout 2024 as the US Federal Reserve concludes its aggressive interest rate hiking agenda.

Nigel Green, CEO of the DeVere Group, states that this prediction persists despite the ongoing significant dollar sell-off, where asset managers are selling the currency at the fastest …

If it so happens that the said stimulus package is financed by increasing the money supply. It may have unintended and unpleasant consequences.

Economists have a phrase that means the same as “in a perfect world”. Economists will often say “ceteris paribus”. In a perfect world, government expenditure would have been all that is necessary to fix the lingering economic problems confronting the world post-COVID. However, reality would beg us to consider that government expenditures of money that they did not have to jump-start economies that were in a prolonged period of stasis would invariably lead to inflationary pressures. The United States has been grappling with the problem of inflation throughout 2021.

Its inflation figures are the highest they have been in decades. The fascinating thing about this current brand of inflation is that it is multi-faceted. Granted, it began when governments decided to spend their way out of an …