Browsing: VFEX

VFX to lose some of its magic
  • The VFEX or Victoria Falls Stock Exchange is Zimbabwe's exclusively United States dollar only stock market which was launched 3 years ago.
  • The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange or ZSE's main board has been shrinking because of companies migrating to the VFEX.
  • Companies in Zimbabwe constantly experience a shortage of foreign exchange to support their increasingly import reliant businesses.

The number of companies that are delisting from the main board of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, often known as the ZSE, and moving their operations to the ZSE's hard currency equivalent, the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX), has been growing. When the central bank eliminated the favorable foreign exchange retention levels that had been the primary draw of the VFEX, it is anticipated that the outflow from the ZSE will slow down in 2023. This comes after the central bank eliminated the foreign exchange retention thresholds.

Is Victoria Falls Stock Exchange capital market

Fast food giant, Simbisa Brands Ltd., the firm that controls high-profile restaurant chains across African markets, spurred its planned VFEX listing, notifying investors in a comprehensive roadmap that the deal may be through by December 2, 2022.

Simbisa, which has risen from its Zimbabwean roots to establish a formidable African network, executes its strategy through a string of high-end hospitality brands that include the flagship Chicken Inn, Pizza Inn, Creamy Inn and Bakers Inn, one of the country’s biggest bread producers.

It also holds the franchises for quick service restaurant chain; Rocomamas, Nandos and Steers, along with Galito

In a statement that disclosed Simbisa’s rationale to switch from the ZSE, the firm’s board rallied shareholders to give an emphatic nod to the transaction at an extraordinary general meeting scheduled for November 18, 2022.…

Caledonia’s chief executive, Mark Learmoth, speaking of the Bilboes Project called it a “premier gold development project in Zimbabwe and one of the best gold development projects in Africa”.

Through its acquisition strategy, Caledonia is steadily and certainly transforming itself from being a single mine operator to one where it produces a single commodity but operating various mines and mining projects. The company’s boss called this transaction a “transformational asset” and said it was the next step in Caledonia’s journey to becoming a multi-asset mid-tier gold producer.

Prior to its acquisition strategy Caledonia operated a single mine in Zimbabwe which is the Blanket Mine situated in Gwanda, in the Matabeleland South province of Zimbabwe. The company targeted producing 80,000 ounces of gold from its mine in 2022. The acquisition of the Bilboes project, considering that it will produce 168,000 ounces of gold annually over its 10-year life of mine, means …

  • Zimbabwe is anticipating the listing of some Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) this year.
  • ZSE is expected to list the fifth ETF, Cass Saddle Agriculture ETF this week
  • FINSEC introduced automated contract writing and derivatives trading, complete with direct integration of the trading, clearing, custody, and settlement facilities
  • VFEX introduced broker-controlled accounts to ensure convenience in trading on the US dollar-denominated stocks trading platform
  • VFEX is expected to launch its mobile securities trading platform, VFEX-Direct, at the end of this month in a move meant to simplify trading

This year is shaping up to be a defining year for Zimbabwe’s capital markets. Financial Securities Exchange (Private) Limited introduced derivatives and chatter over a new asset class has whet curious investors’ appetite.

Zimbabwe is anticipating the listing of some Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sometime this year, and this could deepen the country’s capital markets.

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) is …

Interestingly if the US$9 million which the company said it lost from the statutory surrender requirement is added back to the top-line revenue, it will take the company’s revenues for the 2021 financial year to just above US$ 24 million which would be higher than what it achieved in 2020. This policy position which the company lamented needs revision by the authorities as it is inflicting real financial harm to companies that are Zimbabwe’s biggest exporters and earners of foreign exchange.

In the 2021 financial year, Padenga Holdings Limited incurred higher interest expenses at US$ 10,138,637 which was up from US$ 6,665,084.00 the previous year. The increase in this cost category was due to leverage and borrowings which Padenga employed in rehabilitating the Eureka gold mine which is now in full production and is also responsible for the increase in group revenues.

The company enjoyed increased production from its gold …

  • Tharisa PLC will be the latest foreign platinum mining firm to enter and invest in the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe.
  • The Great Dyke has the second-largest platinum reserves in the world after South Africa.
  • Tharisa has entered the Zimbabwean platinum mining sector through Karo Mining Holdings which owns the Karo Platinum Project.
  • Tharisa will get into an 85%-15% joint venture with the government of Zimbabwe.
  • The Karo Platinum project is expected to come on stream in 2 years and produce at least 150,000 ounces of the precious metal a year.

Tharisa PLC which is listed on the JSE took control of Karo Mining Holdings when it increased its interest in March from 28% to 85%. The company is building a mine which it has named the Karo Platinum Project and is envisaged to take at least 20 years to complete. The first phase of the mine's development is expected…

The pre-listing statement specifies that the VFEX listing is a secondary one and will be done by way of the introduction of depository receipts representing the company’s shares that cannot be directly traded in Zimbabwe as its primary listing is on the respectively.
Investopedia defines a depositary receipt as “a negotiable certificate issued by a bank representing shares in a foreign company traded on a local stock exchange. The depositary receipt gives investors the opportunity to hold shares in the equity of foreign countries and gives them an alternative to trading on an international market.”
A depositary receipt allows investors to hold shares in stocks of companies listed on exchanges in foreign countries. It avoids the need to trade directly with the stock exchange in the foreign market. Instead, investors transact with a major financial institution within their home country, which typically reduces fees and is far more convenient than …