Browsing: WTI

Last week we saw negative oil prices hurt energy markets enormously, and we have the global pandemic—coronavirus (COVID-19) to blame for that, as nearly the entire globe is on lockdown, that sucks the life out of energy-consuming spheres.

Reports indicate mixed feelings as Bloomberg noted that, oil prices could go down again, as storage shortage becomes another nagging factor to the problem, and yet—we have seen people paying to get rid of their stock.

“The last trade of the May WTI futures was on April 21, and on April 20, as financial traders with long positions scrambled to get out of the contract, the price fell to negative $37.63 per barrel. Then on April 21, it was fine again, and the contract finished at $10.01. Even on April 20th, most trades in the May futures happened at positive prices. But toward the end of the day, panic—or something—set in, …

The world recorded another day in history —April 20, as the day oil prices globally took a negative dive, dropping below zero for the first time. International players in the hydrocarbon game have not shaken, as traders and nations pursued storage space and determining ways to drive demand scarcity.

According to reports from Bloomberg News, the oil price rise was manifested by both, pandemic fears and the price war between Saudi Arabia, Russia and the US, which affected the energy markets and traders.

As the pandemic escalates, the umbrellas of lockdowns have annihilated significant demand for oil, and other economic gains associated. Hence—the price war broke and intensified, as Bloomberg report said “  Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world’s biggest oil producers, escalated the price war. A pact that had restrained production collapsed and both countries opened their taps to the fullest, releasing record volumes of crude into the …