San Francisco is facing a devastating crisis due to fentanyl, with a significant rise in overdose deaths.

The city is struggling with open drug use, homelessness, and a debate on law enforcement and social services.

Fentanyl Epidemic: Overdose deaths in San Francisco surpass COVID-19 deaths, with fentanyl as a major contributor.

Law and Order Debate: Mayor London Breed's shift to more aggressive law enforcement policies sparks debate.

Human Tragedy: Personal stories of those affected by the crisis, like Jackie searching for her son Corey.

District Attorney Controversy: DA Chesa Boudin, a liberal figure, faces criticism for his approach to crime.

Homelessness and Services: The city grapples with homelessness, struggling to balance compassion and effective solutions.

Charitable Efforts: Organizations like Urban Alchemy try to help by getting drug dealers off the streets and assisting addicts.

City in Crisis: San Francisco's reputation suffers as media and political divisions highlight the ongoing problems.

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