The UK aims to become a tech superpower like Silicon Valley by 2030, and India could play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

The region between Oxford and Cambridge is envisioned to be a tech supercluster, benefiting from the new East-West railway project.

The UK government seeks to make the country a tech superpower by 2030 and needs assistance to achieve this vision.

India, with its booming startup ecosystem and young talent, can offer the required skilled workforce and financial investment.

The Oxford-Cambridge region is positioned as a potential tech supercluster, hosting significant research centers and biotech companies.

A triple helix approach, involving the government, private sector, and academia, is advocated to promote research and commercialization in the region.

The UK and India are strengthening their trade relationship, with a focus on a free trade agreement and collaboration in the tech sector.

Other European countries, like Germany, are also seeking Indian tech talent to meet the demand for software development.

The UK's immigration policies and rhetoric could impact the country's ability to attract international talent, including tech professionals.

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