Install Antivirus Software: Start by downloading and installing a reputable antivirus and anti-spyware app from the Google Play Store. Some well-known options include Avast, Bitdefender, or Norton.

Update Your Phone: Ensure your Android operating system is up-to-date with the latest security patches. Outdated software can be vulnerable to spyware attacks.

Review App Permissions: Go to your phone's settings and review the permissions granted to each app. Be cautious if an app requests unnecessary access to your camera, microphone, contacts, or location.

Check App Sources: Only download apps from the official Google Play Store. Avoid third-party app stores or sideloading apps from unverified sources, as these can be potential sources of spyware.

Scan for Malware  Use the antivirus app to perform a thorough malware scan of your device. Follow the app's instructions to remove any detected threats.

Monitor Data Usage: Keep an eye on your data usage. Unexplained increases in data usage could be a sign of spyware transmitting information in the background.

Check for Unusual Behavior: Pay attention to any unusual behavior on your device, such as rapid battery drain, unexpected pop-up ads, or unexplained crashes. These can be indicators of spyware.

Regularly Update Apps: Keep all your apps updated to the latest versions. Developers often release updates to patch vulnerabilities that could be exploited by spyware.

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