China introduces its own open-source operating system, Open Kylen 1.0, to reduce dependence on American technology.

 Open Kylen 1.0 is based on Linux and has been developed by a community of around 4,000 developers. It's used in various sectors, including the space program, finance, and energy.

Nvidia allegedly pressures its board partners not to work with Intel's battle mage cards, potentially withholding chips as leverage.

Intel's battle mage development faces significant issues, and its release may be delayed until the second half of the following year.

Google tests a medical AI chatbot, Med-Pom 2, in hospitals, aiming to assist in regions with limited access to doctors.

The Mayo Clinic is one of the hospitals testing Med-Pom 2, but the AI reportedly provides more inaccurate responses compared to human doctors.

 A project restores functionality to old Windows update web pages, allowing users to update legacy Windows operating systems.

Emulators become available on all Xbox series consoles, accessible through a $2 Patreon subscription.

Debate continues over the performance impact of DRM software, with some claiming it hinders game performance while others disagree.

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