Your humble Microsoft Excel spreadsheets could soon be helping take part in the workplace AI tools revolution.

Microsoft unveiled a number of new ChatGPT-powered integrations this week, one of which brings full Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software integration into Bing Chat.

As spotted by Windows Latest, the move will allow users to create a table using data fed into, or requested by, a Bing Chat AI window.

The platform will then create a table which can be opened and edited within the same window using the Excel web app, meaning you never have to leave your initial chat.

Excel in ChatGPT In its test, Windows Latest found that the creation happens in real-time, and was able to bring together a wide variety of data sources to create the table, 

which does not need to be separately exported and opened in Excel, instead opening in a new browser tab.

This may not continue to be the case moving forward, as the tool appears to still be in testing at the present time, and may expand into working more with the native Office 365 app.

Elsewhere, there also appears to be closer integration between ChatGPT and other Microsoft 365 tools, including Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, coming soon. 

Windows Latest spotted a menu offering the chance to connect these apps, and also Google Workspace services such as Docs, Sheets and Slides, to the service, meaning ChatGPT could "access their information" and "add them as context to your conversations".

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