Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+ due to governance erosion and rising deficits, surprising global markets.

Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+ due to governance erosion and rising deficits.

Biden Administration calls the downgrade arbitrary, citing economic improvements under their leadership.

Global markets react: Asian equities drop, investors pull out of stocks, while US bonds might experience a flight to safety.

Context provided: US credit rating was previously downgraded by S&P in 2011 during Eurozone debt crisis.

Long-term impact questioned: History shows US investments remained strong despite previous credit downgrades.

Fitch's outlook highlights challenges: Higher interest rates, rising debt, aging population, and healthcare costs for the US economy.

Fiscal challenges extend globally: Aging populations and healthcare costs pose challenges for developed economies.

Fitch's downgrade of the US credit rating has triggered a global response, affecting markets and prompting discussions about the country's economic trajectory.

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