SpaceX developed its own spacesuits for crew members, focusing on custom design and enhanced mobility.

Traditional spacesuits are rigid due to pressurization, limiting mobility and causing discomfort.

Each SpaceX suit is custom-made to fit individual crew members, improving fit and comfort.

SpaceX's suits feature criss-cross tensioners to assist joint movement, akin to a spider's leg.

Lower suit pressure for better mobility risks decompression sickness; SpaceX balanced safety and mobility.

SpaceX's suits employ an innovative automated pressure management system, eliminating external valves.

Donning the SpaceX suit is easier and faster than traditional designs, aiding astronauts' independence.

SpaceX's journey to mastering spacesuit design is a testament to their commitment to innovation, functionality, and astronaut well-being.

SpaceX's pressure management system is a marvel of automation, streamlining operations and reducing bulk.

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