Accessing Ad Privacy Settings:  Open the Chrome app on your device. Tap the three vertical dots in the top-right corner to access the menu. Select "Settings." Scroll down and choose "Privacy and security."Find and tap on "Ad privacy."

Managing Ad Features:Within the "Ad privacy" section, you can enable or disable specific ad-related features to control how Chrome handles your ad-related information.

Personalized Ad Topics: Chrome customizes your ad experience based on your interests, tracked from the websites you visit.It may share up to three topics with websites to display relevant ads.

Blocking Ad Topics:To block specific ad topics from being shared with websites. Open Chrome and access settings. Under "Privacy and security," find "Ad topics."Choose the topics you want to block from the list.

Some websites might not support this feature, and you won't see a list of topics if they haven't adopted it.

To check if Chrome has shared your interests with a particular site, visit the site, tap the lock icon in the address bar, and select "Ad privacy."

These settings empower you to have more control over the ads you see while browsing.

Chrome's commitment is to enhance online safety and safeguard user privacy.

Google Chrome provides a user-friendly interface for managing ad preferences.

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