Fleet management: IoT sensors can be used to track the location, speed, and fuel usage of vehicles in a fleet. This information can be used to improve efficiency and reduce costs.


 Traffic management: IoT sensors can be used to monitor traffic conditions and identify potential problems. This information can be used to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.


Public transportation: IoT sensors can be used to track the location of buses, trains, and other public transportation vehicles. This information can be used to improve passenger information and make it easier to plan trips.


 Parking management: IoT sensors can be used to track the availability of parking spaces. This information can be used to help drivers find parking more easily and reduce traffic congestion.


 Toll collection: IoT sensors can be used to collect tolls automatically. This can improve efficiency and reduce the need for human operators.


 Road safety: IoT sensors can be used to monitor road conditions and identify potential hazards. This information can be used to improve road safety and reduce accidents.


 Autonomous vehicles: IoT sensors are essential for the development of autonomous vehicles. These sensors allow vehicles to collect data about their surroundings and make decisions about how to navigate safely.


Smart cities: IoT sensors can be used to collect data about a city's transportation system. This information can be used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the city's transportation system.


Logistics: IoT sensors can be used to track the location of goods in transit. This information can be used to improve efficiency and reduce costs.


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