Asanas (Postures) - These are the physical poses that are commonly associated with yoga. They help to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.


Pranayama: This involves breath control techniques that help calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase energy levels.


Meditation: This involves focusing the mind on a specific object or thought to achieve a state of calmness and clarity.


Mantras: These are sacred words or sounds that are repeated to help focus the mind and achieve a deeper level of concentration.


Bandhas: These are muscular locks that are used in yoga to help control the flow of energy in the body.


6. Stay the course: Investing is a long-term game. Don't panic when the market dips, and don't get too excited when it rises. Stick to your investment plan and keep contributing regularly.


 Yoga Nidra: This is a type of guided meditation that helps achieve deep relaxation and promotes restful sleep.


 Japa: This involves the repetition of a mantra or a sacred word to help focus the mind and achieve a meditative state.


Yoga Philosophy: This involves studying the principles of yoga, such as the eight limbs of yoga, and applying them to daily life.


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