The U.S. faces a significant number of job openings while millions want to work there. Immigration policies, however, hinder hiring unskilled migrants.

The immigration crisis at the border adds complexity, but the aging population and declining birth rate necessitate more workers.

Economic Impact: Unfilled jobs cost around $1 trillion in production annually, dragging down the economy.

Immigration Attraction: U.S. remains a popular destination for immigrants due to its strong economy.

Policy Challenges: U.S. immigration policies restrict employers from hiring unskilled migrants, aiming to protect American workers.

Public Opinion: The public is divided on immigration's impact on available jobs, with concerns over reduced opportunities.

Border Crisis: An ongoing border crisis results in illegal immigration encounters, affecting policy and workforce dynamics.

Economic Needs: U.S. faces workforce shortages due to an aging population and low birth rate.

Policy Recommendations: Experts suggest a comprehensive immigration reform to address labor shortages and maximize economic benefits.

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