Author: Padili Mikomangwa

Padili Mikomangwa is an environmentalist based in Tanzania. . He is passionate about helping communities be aware of critical issues cutting across, environmental economics and natural resources management. He holds a bachelors degree in Geography and Environmental Studies from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) has been granted $4.5 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to establish a 3-year research and capacity building program on tax in relation to digital financial services, and their use, as well as digital ID infrastructure, in enabling low-income countries to more efficiently and equitably raise tax revenue, ICTD press release reads.

ICTD is a research network that aims at improving the quality of tax policy and administration in sub-Saharan Africa. It works with African partners to collaboratively generate policy-relevant research and build African research capacity in the area of taxation.

The funding came amidst an important convergence of over 450 tax officials, experts, and policymakers who are in Uganda-Kampala, participating in the Fourth International Conference on ICT and Accessibility (ICTA), themed: Innovation—digitalization and harnessing Technology to Improve Tax Systems.

More importantly, Increasing domestic resource mobilization is a …

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The Tanzanian informal sector is one of the leading employers’ spheres and a rather pool for mushrooming local or indigenous knowledge and creativity, which eventually remains dormant, and not analyzed keenly.

Available data of the past shows how the informal sector bears merit to the convectional economy if utilized effectively. The International Labor Organization data points out that, non-agriculture jobs in the informal economy represent 66 per cent of all employment in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Further, about 74 per cent of women are within informal employment boundaries, compared to 61 of the males. Data published by Statista, show that agriculture sector—which has been attracting a multitude of the Tanzanian un-employed population, has been the leading employment sector since 2008, where it scored 73 per cent, today it stands at 66.35 per cent.

In August this year, Tanzanian’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Ministry of Finance and Planning, did a …

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The world is much more digitally interconnected, compared to the past three decades, and Tanzania has been busy to get its fair share of interconnectedness.

In 2013, there were about 23 million telecom subscribers in Tanzania, surprisingly at the moment, the number is almost close to double, as Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), telecoms statistics show, over 43 million subscribers, with an 81 per cent penetration.

It is important to recognize the contribution of the telecoms sector in Tanzania, to the economy and to the promotion of innovative solutions to community problems. Tanzania’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) quarterly highlights, show that: information and communications sector recorded a 10.3 per cent growth, compared to 9.6 in the first quarter, thus—the growth is attributed to increasing in airtime used by mobile phone owners, and the expansion of Tanzania’s broadcasting and internet use landscape.

On the side of the context, Bank of …

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The Tanzanian gaming sector has been taking tremendous shifts over the past five years, witnessing various investors taking a bite into Tanzania’s gaming market with open hands.

According to the ongoing prospects in the gaming industry in Tanzania, it is worth exploring the scenario that: gaming activities might have a substantial contribution to Tanzania’s Revenue Authority (TRA) tax collections.

More importantly, the Tanzanian government is having an all-out strategy to enhance its revenue collection, hence—it managed to score an all-time record of $ 762.4 million tax collection in September 2019. (

Per Tanzania’s Ministry of Finance and Planning report, during the financial year 2018/2019, Tanzania garnered over $ 6 billion in tax revenue, whereas—the Gaming Board of Tanzania (GBT), indicates that the sector’s contribution to the government reached over $ 41 million in the fiscal year 2018/2019, compared to $ 33 million in 2017.

The gaming industry …

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Zanzibar’s official statistics provider (Office of the Chief Government Statistician – OCGS) has released figures on the performance of the agricultural sector.

The report provided an insight into the country’s performance and impact of different interventions carried out by the Government and other stakeholders to improve the agriculture sector in the country.

According to the National Budget Brief of 2018 organized by OCGS and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), unequivocally, the share of development spending in the national budget of Zanzibar increased from 17 per cent to 46 per cent between 2013/14 and 2017/18. On the other hand, the share of recurrent budget decreased from 83 per cent to 54 per cent for the same period. for the same period.

The report, on the other hand, gave out crucial sets of data which include: quantities and values of fish catches, cash crops, mining and quarry, seaweeds, forest products and …

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Exports from Tanzania have slightly increased, according to a recent economic review from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

NBS’ second-quarter report, indicates that the economy has grown to 7.2 percent, anchored by the Information and Communications Technology (ICT), construction and water sectors, hence—still the external sectors records significant deficits, sparked by importation of higher goods imports.

The report showed that the overall balance of payments was a deficit of $37.7 million in the year ending September 2019 compared with a deficit of $276.4 million in the year ending September 2018. Meanwhile the current account deficit widened to over $2,1 billion from over $1.8 billion, owing to higher goods imports, particularly capital and intermediate goods which are used for production.

However, on the other side of the sector, the report argues that: Tanzania’s holds sufficient reserves to sustain its operations for over 6.1 months of projected imports of goods and …

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Cryptocurrencies might not be trending anymore in Tanzania, as the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) unequivocally issued a statement on November 12, this year.

The bank noted that trading, marketing and usage of virtual currency is contrary to existing foreign exchange regulations, the BoT press release reads.

The first famous decentralized cryptocurrency bitcoin created in 2009, began taking a rather wide interest in Tanzania, for the past three years. The virtual currency disruption has been noted by the BoT, which led to the central bank’s decision to intervene.

“The Bank of Tanzania has noted a growing trend among members of public engaging in activities related to the usage of virtual currencies (cryptocurrencies) in the country. The Bank is also aware of incidences where these currencies are being marketed and traded with a perception of making them appear as if they were a legal tender in the country. Moreover, there are some …

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Zanzibar’s economic developments have grabbed Bank of Tanzania (BoT)’s attention in its monthly economic review.

According to the study, inflation remained fairly balanced, revenue collection has been gaining substantial raise, while the external sector performance dwindled.

Zanzibar which is a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania, with fertile historical and economic relations with Tanzania, has been taking crucial steps in its economic endeavors, including agriculture and tourism.

According to the 2018 National Budget brief of Zanzibar, prepared by Office of the Chief Government Statistics (OCGS) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Zanzibar has maintained impressive economic growth; government revenues and expenditures are expanding rapidly. In the financial year of 2017/18, the approved budget totals $ 483 million which is a 29 per cent increase in total expenditures in nominal terms (or 26 per cent in real terms).

READ: Zanzibar plans airports face-lift to meet global standards

Inflation and budgetary operations

Per the …

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Tanzania’s leading technology and communication company, Vodacom Tanzania, has partnered with the  government, to fortify financial payment systems to 127 local governments offices.

The partnership was witnessed on November 3rd by the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government (TAMISEMI) and Vodacom Tanzania Plc, with a clear intention of strengthening payments processes to benefit over 14 million Vodacom customers, when making their duly payments at councils and municipalities across the country.

Vodacom Tanzania, which is listed at the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), has taken a bold move within telecom business parameters, particularly with the present fintech take up and normalization in Tanzania, but also—Vodacom numbers catapulted their chances for the deal, as they are now—having 32.4 per cent of market share and 38.6 per cent of mobile money share, while their service revenue as indicated in its preliminary report (2019) grew to over $442 million, which is a …

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Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture has begun cementing its foothold on horticulture activities across Tanzania.

The ministry has just concluded a meeting with horticultural farmers and products exporters, to address taxing and policy drawbacks related to the sub-sector.

The meeting catapulted rather vital issues for the development of the sector, particularly converging Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) and Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) players, but also, gave a path to the possibility of ushering a three-year plan that will be associated with a special managing body.

According to the ministry, the meeting attracted vital players from crucial ministries, including—finance and planning, industry and trade, ports authority and farmers.

Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Ministry of Agriculture, Hussein Bashe, stressed that the meeting root agenda was to highlight various challenges affecting the sub-sector and respective measures to address them.

Per Tanzania’s National Bureau of Statistics, second-quarter report—the agricultural sector growth rate stood at …

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