Browsing: Africa’s unemployment rate

tanzania youth employment

Tanzania’s third five-year development plan focuses on creating employment for its fast-growing youth population. The country plans to increase the employability of its graduates and youth in general through a comprehensive skills development program. According to a report, Tanzania’s five-year development plan will cut unemployment from 9 per cent in 2019 to 8 per cent by 2025/26.…

Kenya’s unemployment rate doubled between April and June as 1,716,604 Kenyans lost jobs in this period according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).

According to the KNBS quarterly labour report, the number of those who have jobs (employed) shrunk to 15.9 million from a high of  17.8 million in Mach.

The unemployment rate in Kenya now stands at 10.4 per cent from 5.2 per cent in March with the employment to population ratio decreasing from 64.4 per cent to 57.7 per cent.

The number of people without jobs increased by 58.6 per cent to 1.8 million people from 961,666 in the first quarter.

The unemployment figure is however further aggravated by a rise in the number of the long-term unemployed(individuals with continuous periods of unemployment extending for one year or longer) and individuals outside the labour force which masks the unemployed statistics.


The long-term unemployed increased …