Browsing: Aggreko Africa

oil and gas companies

There are formidable challenges faced by the oil and gas industry across Africa, the Middle East and Asia (AMEA) regions, but perhaps the most pressing is the need for environmentally sustainable power solutions.

Currently, flaring poses a significant threat to the sector across its environmental impact and the cost to the company. Around 139 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas are flared annually, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and black soot that affect climate change and human health. It also directly influences the sector’s ability to achieve Net Zero and the transformative target of eliminating non-emergency flaring by 2030.…

In the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy 2020 Annual Performance Plan report, the authority highlighted the importance of the energy sector in catalyzing economic growth and development.

As in the report, real-life reflects the need for a reliable supply of energy to ensure that Africa continues to push its presence onto the global stage and build foundations of economic and social prosperity.

To achieve this change, and to transform the continent’s legacy challenges into a future that allows for continued growth and development, it remains a priority for the government and private sector to invest in energy solutions that are sustainable, reliable, and relevant.

As the continent moves into the first half of 2021, it’s the right time to look ahead at what the year ahead looks like for the energy sector and what changes or opportunities could potentially shift energy solutions into high gear.

The Renewable

Global data centre spend was expected to reach an impressive total of $208 billion by the end of 2020.

Demand, thanks to expanding business footprints and the move to the cloud and alternative infrastructure solutions, has pushed the market into overdrive with an estimated 628 hyper scalers expected to rise by 2021.

The edge, artificial intelligence, cloud IT infrastructure investment, machine learning, and the rise of emergent technologies are shifting the data centre into high gear, and centre stage.

But what if the data centre fails? What if demand overtakes infrastructure? Downtime can incur huge costs, put an organisation’s reputation on the line, and can have unexpected knock-on ripple effects throughout the company and its infrastructure.

Therefore, it is essential to tick two particularly important boxes when investing in a robust data centre strategy – reliable power and comprehensive loadbank testing.

As data centre usage continues to rise exponentially alongside …