Browsing: Bima Intermediaries Association of Kenya

In the years between 2000 and 2010, several insurance companies collapsed and the joke in the industry then was on those clients who were demanding to be served even as the doors were being shut for good.
But industry insiders, like yours truly, knew companies that were in the red and it was only a matter of time before they were shut down. Most insurance consumers did not have a clue as to what was going on.…

These associations offer some information and services for free although one needs to become a member and pay a fee to access their full range of information, resources and services. By becoming a member of the peak body one can give his/her business credibility as membership proves to customers that you have met strict criteria and have certain qualifications and experience.

That is why we have strict criteria on who can become a member of our organisation in an industry inundated with fraudsters from all corners. …