Browsing: Broadband

technology and innovation

Africa is at the heart of tomorrow, it is an important region in the world, it is definitely a growing region and a clear focus market for us. In the big picture, Africa is among Alcatel-Lucent’s most promising markets with ultra-broadband access and IP networking being very important for the development of the continent.

Many Countries across the world have felt the ravaging effects of Covid-19, ever since the first case was reported in Wuhan, China and spread all across other Continents that prompted to measures and directions imposed aimed to curb the spread of the lethal virus that has since claimed millions of people across the globe.

Historically, sectors like education and healthcare have been points of issue for many African countries, as governments strive to improve access to, and experiences in, these sectors.

The fight with COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the way these industries are operating …

In 2019, 9 per cent of the GDP in Africa was contributed by mobile technologies and services. This means the mobile industry in Africa is fueling sound growth and social impact necessary for acquiring sustainable economic growth.  

The world is interconnected and it is getting seamlessly interconnected by the hour each day. This means the more you get digitally connected the more knowledgeable, wealthy and creative you become, to say the least. 

This scenario is manifesting itself across developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where ingenious innovations are made in Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Tanzania, featuring seamless use of online platforms to learn, earn a living and access services. …