Browsing: business of education in africa

Education in Africa
  • Across Africa, there is still very limited access to education.
  • Even when accessible, there is a huge discrepancy in the quality of education offered.
  • In a forum held in Tanzania, policymakers have urged governments to increase investment in education.

Education in Africa is poorly funded. In one too many countries, poor funding of education systems is an understatement. The African Union, designated this year, 2024, as its ‘Year of Education,’ and as we enter the last quarter of the year, stakeholders are asking, what have we learned about education in Africa?

The pros and cons of Africa’s education system were most recently highlighted at an education conference, held by the East African Community (EAC) member countries in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa. Themed “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Collective Action for Quality, Inclusive, and Life-long Learning in East Africa,” the conference sought to assess progress …

Education Business

Exeo capital, an African alternative investment firm, has acquired the Pearson Institute of Higher Education. The acquisition, a joint initiative between EXEO Capital and Stellenbosch Graduate Institution, is set to widen availability and access to higher education in Africa, particularly South Africa. 

Person Institute Of Higher Education operates across 12 separate campuses in South Africa covering over 7000 students. 

The institute of higher learning was formed through the union of CTI Education Group and Midrand Graduate Institution in 2010. The institution offers academic and career-oriented learning programs. 

The investment aims to scale the operation of Pearson Institute within South Africa as well as expand into the pan African market. 

The demand for higher education remains high given the rising population and increasing middle class in Africa. The investment firm projects that the business of education in Africa is anticipated to quadruple in the next ten years. They are