Browsing: construction industry

Kenya’s good roads network increased to 18.2 percent in 2018 from 9.9 percent in 2009
  • Higher prices of raw materials and energy have forced the construction costs to sky rocket in Africa.
  • Business interruption/supply chain disruption and natural catastrophes rank as the top risks for the construction and engineering sector, followed by the energy crisis according to Allianz Risk Barometer respondents for this industry.
  • According to the report, higher prices of raw materials and energy have forced the construction costs to sky rocket.

Business interruption and supply chain disruption and natural catastrophes rank as the top risks for the construction and engineering sector, followed by the energy crisis according to Allianz Risk Barometer respondents.

According to the report, higher prices of raw materials and energy have forced the construction costs to sky rocket in Africa.

“Larger values are a risk for companies. Construction costs are soaring because of the higher prices on energy and raw materials. Replacement is costing more and taking longer. Materials can …

In the cement industry, the South African Government has taken a protectionist stance, banning the import of cement especially for infrastructure projects that it is sponsoring. The ban came from Treasury in October.
This decision has been widely celebrated by the cement sector which has been struggling since 2014. This period is profound in that cheap cement flooded the South African market and reduced the profits of local producers.
These cement producers according to industry body, Cement and Concrete South Africa have been under siege from cheap imports from Pakistan, China, and Vietnam. …

The construction sector has more promise including in the retail sector despite the fact that many malls are either under-occupied or have no tenants.

With the online market space gaining popularity, what cannot be seen in the malls can instead be stored in the same buildings if adapted to become warehouses.…