Browsing: Doing Business in Mozambique

This article aims to give a general overview about the path towards the opening of a company in Mozambique, bearing in mind the opportunities that the Mozambican Market currently offers and the challenges potential investors may have in understanding the basis and ethos of the legal regime.
First, it is fundamental to explain briefly the more common types of companies before describing more profoundly the legal formalities needed to start a business.

The legislation regulating the incorporation of a company in Mozambique is foreseen in the Mozambican Commercial Code (CCM), enacted by Decree-Law 2/2005 of December 27, which was last amended by Decree-Law 1/2018 of May 4. There are three types of unlimited liability companies (partnerships, limited partnerships and partnerships by shares) and three types of limited liability companies (capital and industry companies, private limited liability companies and public limited liability companies). The focus of this analysis will lay on …