Browsing: energy prices

President Ahmed Bola Tinubu removes Nigeria's fuel subsidy

At his inauguration, Nigeria’s new president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, announced that his administration would do away with the fuel subsidy. The announcement resulted in a spark in prices and long queues in Nigeria as people rushed to buy fuel before the price increase when the policy took effect on July 1.

When the policy to remove Nigeria’s fuel subsidy takes effect, fuel prices in Nigeria are expected to jump from the official pump price of $0.4 to between $0.76 and $1.18. According to the United Nations, Nigeria’s rise in fuel prices will have widespread economic ramifications for over 133 million citizens plagued by multidimensional poverty.…

Some worry that monetary policy is still excessively accommodating, given that rate hikes have not matched inflation. Policy cooperation may be beneficial. Fiscal consolidation and a mix of rate rises and currency depreciation may play a role in nations where policy is overly permissive.

The shaky recovery in Sub-Saharan Africa, coupled with domestic demand constraints, has not significantly fueled inflation so far. However, in the coming months, governments and policymakers must carefully monitor and prioritise tackling the rising inflation in Africa.…