Browsing: GreenPeace

  • Out of 54 states, 34 have either passed a law banning plastics and implemented it or have passed a law to tackle the plastics menace. 
  • Plastic pollution is a global crisis and governments need to collaborate in a more coordinated approach to end this crisis.
  • Legally binding agreements will deal with plastic pollution from production to disposal. 

Africa has come a long way on the journey to tackle plastic pollution with as many as 34 countries out of 54 passing a law banning plastics. However, these countries have a long way to go in implementing these rules that create a plastic-free continent. 

“We have seen countries such as Rwanda taking the lead in the quest to find a global binding instrument to deal with the plastic crisis. Others like Morocco, whose consumption of the raw material used in manufacturing plastic bags dropped by 50 per cent since its plastic

Both nations have the right to attain energy supremacy as it has been a long-time ambition. Despite that goal, environmental and climate-related concerns must be addressed if they are present. 

The EACOP is one starting point that can catapult the region towards economic mastery and energy sufficiency. Tanzania, which is also banking on natural gas exploration and production, could learn a lot from EACOP complications now. 

Despite the challenges, EACOP's potential has managed to draw the attention of other financiers, and things are turning out well. The project has attracted US$300 million from alternative lenders as its proponents rush to save the project from pressure groups citing environmental concerns, according to a report by The Citizen. …

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