Browsing: koos bekker

Who is Koos Bekker

Jacobus Petrus Bekker alias Koos Bekker is a South African Billionaire born in 1952 in Potchefstroom, South Africa. He graduated from Stellenbosch University with degrees in Literature and Law. He then enrolled in Wits University, where he pursued law studies. He is also an MBA graduate of Columbia University in the United States.

koos bekker

Bekker is one of the earliest South African millionaires and probably generally among African millionaires that have stood the test of the country’s economic times. This is one of the core reasons why he is often called the Rupert Murdoch of South Africa.

Koos Bekker Net Worth

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Koos Bekker current net worth in 2020 stands at $ 2.4 billion ranking him among South African billionaires as well as African billionaires

His company has seen him invest in newspapers, the Internet, books, magazines, and education. He has invested beyond the African …