Browsing: phishing

digital fraud attempts
  • Only 8 per cent increased awareness, consumer concern regarding sharing personal information remained significant at 91 per cent in Q2 2023, albeit down from 94 per cent last year.
  • The study shows that there has been an accelerating rate of digital fraud in other sectors of the country, such as retail, financial services, telecommunications, travel & leisure, and communities

Digital fraud attempts are on the rise in the country with 80 per cent of Kenyan having been targeted in the first three months of year, a new TransUnion’s Consumer Pulse Survey has shown.

From the findings a notable 72 per cent of respondents who reported being targeted by digital fraud schemes successfully avoided falling victim. However, an additional 8 per cent were targeted and fell victim to these schemes.

The awareness of fraudulent schemes was significantly high; only 20 per cent of consumers reported being unaware of any fraud schemes

Phishing is a strong attack method because it is done on a large scale. It stressed that by sending massive waves of emails under the name of legitimate institutions or promoting fake pages, malicious users increase their chances of success in their hunt for innocent people’s credentials.

The article explained that phishers deploy a variety of tricks to bypass email blocking and lure as many users as possible to their fraudulent sites, adding that a common technique is HTML attachments with partially or fully obfuscated code. It stressed that HTML files allow attackers to use scripts, and obfuscate malicious content to make it harder to detect and send phishing pages as attachments instead of links.

According to a recent Interpol report, about 90 per cent of African businesses are operating without the necessary cybersecurity protocols and, therefore, are exposed to cyberattacks. The report also noted that there were more than …