Browsing: Political instability in Africa

Africa's economic growth 2024
  • Africa Rising narrative paints a picture of a continent on the cusp of a major economic and developmental breakthrough.
  • This upbeat assessment, however, stands in stark contrast to the realities of many African countries’ political instability, corruption, and threats from autocratic regimes.
  • This disharmony between the narrative’s upbeat tone and the facts prompts the question: is there a need for the widespread optimism about Africa’s future, or is it misplaced?

The “Africa Rising” narrative, popularised in recent years, paints a picture of a continent on the cusp of a major economic and developmental breakthrough. This upbeat assessment, however, stands in stark contrast to the realities of many African countries’ political instability, ongoing corruption, and threats from autocratic regimes. The premature or even misplaced optimism of this narrative is called into question by a close analysis of these problems. This discrepancy between the narrative’s upbeat tone and the facts prompts the …

Given these large costs and the effect on Africa’s economic growth, it remains imperative to prevent the prevalence of conflicts. Several economic and structural factors, including low-income levels, poor growth outcomes, weak governance, state capacity, and inequality of opportunity—especially across ethnic, religious, and regional groups—increase the likelihood of conflict. Addressing these challenges would address political instability in Africa and prevent conflict.…

Africa has stumbled headlong into what has been called the ‘perfect storm’’. From the heavy burden of debt servicing, the instability created by election cycles, geopolitics and war as well as the lingering threat of food insecurity caused by conflict and adverse weather conditions. Seemingly, the proverbial pandora’s box of horrors has been let ajar and the evils through different manifestations are ravaging the continent from all corners. However, as the Greek myth holds, only one thing is said to have been left in the box after it was shut; hope. Amid all the daunting troubles Africa is facing, hope for a better and prosperous Africa is the fuel to help the continent weather these ominous challenges.

We explore some of these existential challenges and some plausible solutions thereof.

Political Instability in Africa

Africa is no stranger to political instability and civil unrest which has stagnated most economies and impeded …